I am Paola Peña Parás, I am 29 years old and I am very excited about this experience, the upcoming learning from the course and the space to create ideas and solutions towards a more sustainable world in harmony with everything.
I consider myself a very creative and grounded person, I like to be constantly creating and looking for creative solutions to social problems. I am an environmentalist, I love the environment. Nature connects me in a very special way with the environment and with myself and I constantly observe myself actively learning from its own processes, which I see reflected in my own processes. I currently participate as director of an association that seeks the conservation of the environment, called Conservación San Lorenzo A.C. I have been involved for almost 4 years and it is an honor to be able to participate in a project like this. I have a creative agency, since I am also passionate about design, art, and expression through creating concepts and sharing them with different audiences. I have experience in strategic planning, fundraising, social involvement, creation of strategic alliances, event organization. Passionate about social work, innovation in creative processes and working creatively in teams. I also teach yoga, meditation and holistic workshops.
I live in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico.
This is my association’s website: https://www.sanlorenzo.org.mx